Fallout new vegas cheat mods
Fallout new vegas cheat mods

fallout new vegas cheat mods

+Goodsprings Home - home sweet home-shack. +Fellout (w/ greener grass) - ohhhhhh, pretty! +Easy Hacking - because I hate minigames. +Bountiful Harvest - farming for food and profit just got easier +Bottle That Water - I have bottles, I have clean water sources, but the base game won't let me bottle said water!? This fixes that. +Boosted Skill Effects - does what it says on the box. +Boones Silent Hunting Rifle - lets boone have a silencer for his rifle that still fires Magical Companion Ammo (you know, the kind that the companion never runs out of. +Alternative repairing - new ways to repair stuff, and it's actually balanced! **personal favorites, your mileage may vary** +Weapon Mods Expanded (w/ Modern Weapons and WMX-DLC) - new ways to make your gun go pew pew, pew pew pew! Boom!!!! Because it's 2018 and my computer laughs at the system requirements of this game.

fallout new vegas cheat mods

+NMC's Texture Pack (Large with 16:10 Main Screen). ++NVEC - The base unofficial patch that you should probably use unless you're installing a total conversion. Makes finding stuff in your inventory a ton easier. ++Inventory Sorter Combined - Sorts your stuff by type. ++Further 3rd person camera - Because I wanna zoom out more, dammit! ++Centered 3rd Person Camera - Because the default over-the-shoulder view in 3rd person is just dumb.

fallout new vegas cheat mods

++ LevelUpNoLock - Essential if you want to remove the level lock. ++OneHUD - For the trifecta of ultimate user interface perfection. ++MTUI - Used together with UIO and the MCM, it results in a much better user interface. Super-useful for customising your HUD, and more. #Not strictly essential but I consider them to be must-haves:***

Fallout new vegas cheat mods